Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Roller Dream

So, I had a dream last night, that I was rolling around the mall.

I was at the mall, looking for Bloomingdales, for some reason...and i was just skating around...
April from highschool, was doing the routine Pressure...and i ran right in to her, and she yelled at me, then i was going by fannie may and i spotted bloomingdales.... and then i was eating lunch with courtney busker, and these two bitchy girls came over and made courtney go sit at a table by her self, and i yelled at them...


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My epic movie...dream

so last night i had a dream that i was in my apartment with many of my friends. but i had to get to my apartment by crawling through these elaborate tunnels in the ceiling of the building. Lonnie and her bro were staying over and crashed in one of the bedrooms in my place (in my dream i have a more than 1 bedroom apartment). While we were hanging out the make a wish foundation sent katy perry in for ben. He got to do whatever he wanted to her, and instead of making her his sex slave, decided to do really funny shit instead.

Then some natural disaster happened.

I was racing through the tunnels, and then I found myself in the old high school in pecatonica. where everyone was riding out the storm. I started running toward my place, just like everyone else. There was a huge crowd, and I decided to start ripping shit up, and climbing on people, I ran all the way to my mom's house, which was apparently where my building was. I was crawling through the tunnels, and got lost in the system.

I finally decided to get the hell out of the tunnels. and go to the front of the building, and get to my apartment like i usually do. I got there, unlocked the door, and all my shit was gone. In my dream I screamed really loud and started crying.(i really wonder if i screamed and cried while i was asleep).

So I headed to this giant lobby in the building, where some staff had organized everyone's belongings according to category, all the tables were together, all the couches were together, etc.

I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off looking for my table, (cuz its a sweet table, and an heirloom) but anyway, i think most of the night was spent looking for that damn table, anyway, while I was searching, I spotted my brown furniture out of the corner of my eye, and started running toward it like a kid running toward thier lost puppy... but i couldn't find it... the staff was like, it was probably just your imagination... i was like maybe... so i went back to where i first spotted it... and yep... it was just my imagination.

At this point I was done being upset and started getting pissed, and had more questions than answers. So I went up to what looked like a cashier. I asked this woman if people actually had to pay to get their furniture back... she said no of course not. so i asked, how does your staff determine what is garbage, and what isn't when they clear out the apartments... and she said, if it looks like garbage it probably is... and my last question was, so if one of the staff decided that they wanted to take something from an apartment without permission and not tell anyone, they could... right? And she got real deffensive, and was like ma'am are you saying that you don't trust us...and all this other bullshit, and we were starting to get into a fight... and then i heard some ruckus going on behind me... i turn around and I'm at street level in a big city.

there's this guy on a motorcycle... getting road rage to someone in a car. (he was very colin farrel in daredevil) anyway... he whips his bike to the other side of the intersection.... and waits for the light to change, like he was gonna do something totally crazy and evil kanival... then he spots me looking at him, and rides over.... Lonnie was standing right next to me...now. anyway he rides over and started kinda yellin at me like i was starring and it was rude.

So i start to fight him back a little... and it turns into a flirtation... and he starts doing crazy tricks on his bike... and he takes one look at lonnie and tells her to get lost... and i'm still engaging him... so i tell him something about continuing the argument over dinner... and for some reason i'm
already wearing my helmet, and i climb on the back of his bike... .thats where it ends.

Wheww.... glad i got that out before i lost it.