Monday, August 24, 2009

so i just had a dream.

And a bunch of people were in it, so hold on to your hats.

So me and lyden were roller skating through bed bath and beyond, and checking stuff out, and we saw a tv screen with dan milazzo's face on it, i was like omg!! dan!! awesome, and it was just another strange video art thing that he had done, it was pretty cool...then we bump in to alissa dirksen, and she and I decide to go to the house across the street and break in, and just look around, when we go outside, there's a jet circling above the parking lot, so we stopped to watch, the pilot would get so close to the ground that the wing would scrape on the black top... then he went crazy and crashed the plane through the window of the store... and just ran away, so me and alissa continue to the house across the street. it was an awesome house, and we were just wandering around playing with stuff...and then the owners came home, and we had to book it out of there, i was sure they saw us on we got caught but we made it out. We went back to bbb, and there, my boss from the nursing home saw me, and flagged me down, she said, ginny, i need to talk to you about something. I was like, shit, she found us out.... she sits me down, and says ok, i just need to tell you a story, and what to do if this ever happens. she said that one time there was an elderly woman who decided to shoplift a whole bunch of stuff from bbb, she made off in a golf cart going 20 miles per hour all the way to her lake house. when they got there she was so delerious, and demented that they wanted to sedate her, but wanted to bring her out of really fast. so audrey showed me the iv that she would give her, and how to administer it, and then she showed me the two other things, that i would have to put in the bag to counteract the drugs i just gave her. the additional things that i put in the bag, made it shrink way down... it was weird.... in the mean time my sister showed up, she was climing up a huge platform and the song express yourself by madonna started to play.... she got to the very top and did an awesome tap number and i was cheering her on!! (i wonder if i was really screaming for her while i was asleep) then i decided that i wanted to join her, i put on gloves and went up on the plat form, but by the time i got up there, johnny from dirty dancing started dancing with her to time of your life and latika and jamal from slumdog millionare were making out under the platform, the song ended and me and tricia and johnny were talking, and i looked up and there was a bunch of different shower curtains i had never seen before, and customers kept asking me questions, like one guy wanted ear covering headphones, and lauren the receptionist from abbington wanted bar soap... while i was talking go them i took off my gloves and they had taken most of my blue nail polish off... i was sad....

last night...

i had a dream that

me and a couple friends wanted to go to a festival in chicago, so we went to this dock, where there was this guy was giving people transport to grant park via the river...but you had to have a big metal structure to ride on, but we did. so we dumped our big metal structure in the water onto these cables, and let it pull us in.... i should have blogged sooner, cuz that's all i remember from that one. i think there was some sort of confrontation...