Friday, March 25, 2011

Firsts in Dreamland.

So last night was epic, there was a couple of firsts for me, in dreamland last night.

There are three parts, that I will explain in order in which I dreamt them.

First, Brandon and I were cartoons. We were fl
ying in a cartoon biplane, through a cartoon mountain pass in cartoon Canada. The name of the mountain pass was "Del Ray" I'm not sure what that means, or where it came from. So anyway we're cruising through the cartoon sunset, when I spot Ariel from the little mermaid, washed up on the bank of the river. So we swoop down to try to save her... and that's all I remember from that one.

Next, we were regular humans, not cartoons. We were going to a fanc
y party at the block 5 apartment, but it was in the mountains in Canada...and it was a house. Anyway there were a ton of people there, and I was naturally gettin my drink on... I decided that I wanted to take a shower, but all the guests were using my bathroom, so I asked Lonnie if I could use her bathroom to take a shower, she agreed, and I headed up the wrought iron stairs to her bathroom (the stairs don't exist in real life). I got all naked, and tried to find the light switch so that I could see in the shower, after struggling for a while, I gave up and walked back into the party to find Lonnie and ask her how to turn on the light... I found Lonnie and Steph in the crowd and asked, "hey where is the light switch for the shower" Steph said " Oh my god honey, you are naked, it's to the left of the shower" and I said thanks and walked away. As I walked away it sank in that I was naked and I panicked. I ran, and realized that made it worse, so then I just strutted, and apparently I was famous because the paparazzi started taking photos... and I took a shower, and that dream was over....

THEN, it was a few da
ys later and I was with my brother, and he was introducing me to these guys from Africa. We were on they're back porch, and Kevin was doing the introduction thing, and as each of them shook my hand, they said "oh you're the naked girl"... and pulled out tabloids with mv naked ass on them... I was mortified... ran to my brothers classic white buick (doesn't exist in real life, bummer) and screamed until he let me in, (why would a classic car have remote keyless entry) and I sat in the car and cried.

The end.

So firsts in dreamland were... Cartoons, and naked in public.... gah.

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