Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I didn't do a presentation...?...

So, in my dream, I was graduating from grad school. I was getting my masters, and I had one project to do before I graduated. In science class. The room was Mr. Kuban's room in jr high, but the teacher was this woman named peggy from the nursing home. I was being totally abnoxious as I always did in school. I was bragging to everyone that I was graduating, and I was saying, "Do you have a masters? after today I'll have a masters." Everyone was making a big camotion about something, so I asked, what's everyone freaking out about?...Someone said, the presentation. I was all... what presentation? I didn't do a presentation. I asked how long we were supposed to talk, and they said 20min. So I was like, k, I can talk for 20 minutes on this topic...

I woke up at 7:07am, during this dream...I'm supposed to leave for work at 7:10am.... GOOD SAVE.

Friday, April 17, 2009

walking on sand is hard, especially when you have to pedal your car.

last night i dreamt that i was working at home depot, which is weird, since i just started at bed bath and beyond. Anyway, I was working there, but it must have been in like florida or something cuz everything was sand. It was quite difficult to walk and run.

Anyway, I was walking though this strip mall area type thing... and I was on the phone with my mom. She kept saying how she wanted to meet up with me so we could go shopping. Ashley Lyden was following me around talking to me about how 90% of people who work at walmart were serial rapists. I eventually ran into my mom and my sister, and then once we were in home depot, we ran into my aunt and ehr husband....so when we were leaving we all had to pile in my car to head out, and I was driving. I was really worried that The weight in the car was gonna make my tire go flat... but the car didn't run on gasoline, i had to pedal it like a bike. And we were heading to Target on State in Rockford, and I was turning, and I almost got run over, and it was scary.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So last night, my dreams were borderline hallucinations. In the dream I was lying in bed, watching my clock. and there was this big vent thing where my john mayer poster usually is...and it was purifying the air in my apartment, sucking the air out to the outside...and all of this junk was building up on it and it was really strange... then i realized that there was someone in my bathroom... i didn't even think about it and went back to sleep, when I "woke up" I looked at my clock and came to the conclusion that this was the time that my mom usually left to go to work. Next thing I know she has all her work stuff and she's heading out the door...weird..

So then I "go back to sleep" and a little while later I wake up to a giant salamander crawling out from a hole in the middle of the wall that my closet is on... i freaked out all i could think of to yell was NO!... (i may have actually yelled this) and that just scared the thing... and it ran out and walked over to my door and I thought he was going to be able to get out through the space bellow the door, but he wouldn't fit. So he was just scratching at the door.

Then My Alarm went off....in real life, not the dream.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Drew Carey

So, I wasn't gonna post this... but i can't keep it to myself.

So me and miles and his sister, and her bf, were driving in my car. We had the car packed with a ton of camping gear, and tommy was riding in the trunk. We got to this swampy area in the woods which was obviously where we were heading. We get out and start walking around. We find a really long skinny trailer in the woods... and there's some people sitting in lawn chairs in the mud out in front... we walk closer and as we walk up the plank to the main floor of the trailer.. We notice that drew carey is standing there in a powder blue suit...and he was all like "WELCOME" and he was just showin us around n stuff... and he said that the sun was starting to set so we'd better get going....

We were walking to the car, and then it suddenly got dark... so we were running... and then all these like scary bat...vampire...beastly things are flying all around... and we all dive in the car... i went for the trunk... and it wouldn't close and the creatures were clawing at the car and shit...

thats all i really remember.

ya, im fucked up, i know.