Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So last night, my dreams were borderline hallucinations. In the dream I was lying in bed, watching my clock. and there was this big vent thing where my john mayer poster usually is...and it was purifying the air in my apartment, sucking the air out to the outside...and all of this junk was building up on it and it was really strange... then i realized that there was someone in my bathroom... i didn't even think about it and went back to sleep, when I "woke up" I looked at my clock and came to the conclusion that this was the time that my mom usually left to go to work. Next thing I know she has all her work stuff and she's heading out the door...weird..

So then I "go back to sleep" and a little while later I wake up to a giant salamander crawling out from a hole in the middle of the wall that my closet is on... i freaked out all i could think of to yell was NO!... (i may have actually yelled this) and that just scared the thing... and it ran out and walked over to my door and I thought he was going to be able to get out through the space bellow the door, but he wouldn't fit. So he was just scratching at the door.

Then My Alarm went off....in real life, not the dream.

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